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Monday Meme: Diversity in Reading

8. June 2009

Just how white-bread is your reading experience?
I love this meme for so many reasons. 

There are many versions of this one out there, as often people will add to it. I’ll try and add a question or two of my own as well.

1. Name the last book by a female author that you’ve read.

I read mainly books by women, so infact, I had to think a little harder about male authors.  I’ve read books by both on the plane.

2. Name the last book by an African or African-American author that you’ve read.

Pushing Pause, by Celeste Norfleet

3. Name one from a Latino/a author.

Haven’t read one in a while. The last one was It’s not about the accent, by Caridad Ferrer.

4. How about one from an Asian country or Asian-American?

North of Beautiful, Justina Chen Headley

5. What about a GLBT writer?

Drama! series, by Paul Ruditis

6. What have you read lately that takes an opposite political view from your own?

Most books I read are quite apolitical, actually.

7. Have you read any Jewish authors lately?

Not that I was aware of it at the time.

8. How about Muslim writers?

The last one was a while ago. Ten Things I Hate About Me, by Randa Abdel-Farrah

9. If you are Christian or at least monotheistic, have you read any books from an atheistic or agnostic viewpoint lately? Or if you are non-religious, have you read anything written by a Christian or other religous person that specifically form a Christian point of view?

Trust the religious question to be the longest one. >_< I’m not Christian, but I’ve read very Christian books. The last one was It’s All About Us, by Shelley Adina.

10. What was the last book outside your preferred genres you’ve read?

Not sure. There are genres I read less than others, like historicals, but I’ll still pick them up every so often.

11. Any other marginalised groups of writers that you are aware of thatyou’ve read recently?

I think even with a list like this, we don’t cover everything. These are just the big groups we think of, but I’d love to see more variety in fiction, especially in lead characters that go beyond the Anglo world. I’m always interested in books where culture informs how someone acts, feels or thinks. Not in a  heavy-handed way, but just naturally.

I haven’t read any books by Aboriginal authors, but I’d be interested if there was one that fits in my general interest field. Also, I could probably do with more European teen protagonists. I’m getting saturated with the American experience. In general, I want more multicultural YA fiction. Go bring me some.

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  1. 8. June 2009 3:26 pm

    wow. cool meme.

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